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Master/Ph.D. Programs, Sustainability Leadership
Shu-Kun Hsu Professor
Education Ph.D., Université de Bretagne Occidentale, FranceResearch interests Geophysics, Oceanography
Office S206
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65620
Lab Marine Geophysical Research Group
Chien-wen Shen Professor
Education Ph.D, Northwestern University, USAResearch interests Business Analytics, Intelligent Enterprise, Decision Science, Social Business, and Impact Management
Office I1-834-1
Tel. 03-422-7151 #66186
Ming-Hsu Li Professor
Education Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, USA
Research Interests Land Hydrological Processes , Hydrogeochemical Models, Hydro-hazard Simulations, Climate Change Hydrology
Office S-350
Tel. 03-422-7151 #6 5691
Lab Surface Hydrology Lab
Chung-Han Chan Associate Professor
Education Ph.D., Department of Earth Sciences & Institute of Geophysics, National Central University, Taiwan
Research Interests Engineering seismology, seismology, and seismic hazard assessment
Office IL402
Tel. 03-4262242
Chun-Hsiao Wang Associate Professor
Education Ph.D, McMaster University, CanadaResearch interests International assignments, organizational citizenship behavior, and strategic human resource management
Tel. 03-422-7151 #66767
Adam Richards Dr.
Education Ph.D, Liverpool John Moores University, UKResearch interests Sustainability, Sustainable Development, impact management
Ho-ching Lee Professor
Education Ph.D., State University of New YorkResearch interests Global change, sustainable development, international environmental politics, globalization and environmental governance, environmental conventions
Tel. 02-29393091 #50916
Hong-Tsuen Lei Assistant Professor
Education Ph.D., National Central University, Business AdministrationResearch interests Project Management, Strategy, Business Relationship Management, Commercial Management, Management Consulting, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Wei-hsien Li Professor
Education Ph.D., Virginia Tech, USAResearch interests Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Dividend Policy, ESG
Office I1-827
Tel. 03-422-7151 #66128
Daigee Shaw Professor
Education Ph.D., University of Michigan, USAResearch interests Environmental and resource economics, climate change economics
Tel. 02-2782-2791 #303
Chi-yuan Liang Professor
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan UniversityResearch interests Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, Industrial Economics, Economic Modeling and Forecast, Productivity Analysis
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Meng-han Ho Assistant Professor
Education Ph.D., Indiana University-Purdue University IndianapolisResearch interests Nonprofit Management, Social Enterprise and Innovation, Clients/Consumers Experiences, Nonprofit Education
Office I1-711
Tel. 03-422-7151 #66107
Jefferey Cheah Dr.
Education Ph.D., Universiti Sains Malaysia, PenangResearch interests Social Entrepreneurship, Social Business Model, Corporate Social Innovation
Yuei-An Liou Professor
Education Ph.D.,University of Michigan, USAResearch interests Microwave, thermal infrared and optical telemetry, satellite and airborne telemetry, boundary layer (micrometeorology), atmospheric science, electrical engineering (electromagnetic waves), GPS meteorology
Tel. 03-422-7151 #57631
Lab Hydrology Remote Sensing Laboratory
Steve Lin
Education Master, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Research interests Strategic management, strategic design
Master/Ph.D. Programs, Sustainability in Decarbonization
Shu-Kun Hsu Professor |
Education Ph.D., Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France |
Research interests Geophysics, Oceanography |
Office S206 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65620 |
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Lab Marine Geophysical Research Group |
Chieh-Heng Wang Associate Researcher |
Education Ph.D., National Central University, Taiwan |
Research Interests Marine meteorology, oceanography area |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #57802 |
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Sheng-Hsiang Wang Professor |
Education Ph.D., Atmospheric Physics, National Central University, Taiwan |
Research Interests Atmospheric Observation, Atmospheric Rasiation, Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interaction, Air Pollution |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65527 |
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Lab Cloud and Aerosol Laboratory |
Kung-Yuh Chiang Professor |
Education Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
Research Interests Waste derived fuel and bio-energy technology, Waste thermal and energy conversion technology, Waste resourcification technology, Green material technology, Hazardous waste management |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34656 |
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Lab Green Technology and Resource Recovery Laboratory |
Jia-Yuh Yu Professor |
Education Ph.D., UCLA, USA |
Research Interests Tropical Climate Dynamics, Air-Sea Interactions |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65526 |
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Lab Climate Dynamics and Air-Sea Interactions Laboratory |
Jiunn-Chi Wu Associate Professor |
Education Ph.D., School of Aerospace, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Research Interests Microscale Thermal and Flow Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Electronic Cooling, Concentrated Solar Energy, Energy Technology Assessment |
Office E4-263 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34335 |
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Ming-Hsu Li Professor |
Education Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Research Interests Land Hydrological Processes, Hydrogeochemical Models, Hydro-hazard Simulations, Climate Change Hydrology |
Office S-350 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65691 |
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Lab Surface Hydrology Lab |
Sheng-Wei Lee Professor |
Education Ph.D., Materials Engineering, National Tsing Hua University |
Research Interests Semiconductor processes SiGe nanotechnology Nano-optoelectronic devices |
Office Nano Functional Materials Lab. |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34905 |
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Jyh-Dong Lin Professor |
Education Ph.D., Purdue University, USA |
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Jing-Chie Lin Professor |
Education Ph.D., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University |
Research Interests Fuel Cell Technology, Micronano Processes Technology, Material's Corrosion and anti-corrosion, SOFC electrode materials, Electrochemical Engineering, Materials Processes, Anti-corrosion Engineering, Thin film processes, Energy Materials |
Office E6-B134 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34909 |
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Lab Nanomaterials Laboratory |
Tien-shun Lin Professor |
Education Ph.D., University of Oxford, England |
Research Interests Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Geodynamics, Petroleum Geology, Underground Geology |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65618 |
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Lab Basin Research Group |
Chin-Te Lin Assistant Professor |
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Research Interests IoT-based manufacturing, Digital Signal Process, Software Engineering, Numerical Optimization, Patent Engineering, Finite Element Analysis, Computer-aided Design |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34379 |
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Lab IoT-based manufacturing laboratory |
Min-Che Ho Assistant Professor |
Education Ph.D., Civil Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C. |
Research Interests Pavement maintenance management system, Deep learning, Circular economy materials, Road damage image recognition technology, Intelligent |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34158 |
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Wei-Hsuan Hung Professor |
Education Ph.D., University of Southern California(USC), USA |
Research Interests Development and Material Synthesis of Energy Technology, Advanced Low-Dimensional Photocatalytic Materials |
Office E6-B138 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34908 |
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Lab Advanced Energy Technology and Storage Materials Lab |
Chih-Lin Hu Professor |
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Research Interests Mobile computing, digital home, Internet technology |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #35575 |
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Lab Network Computing Laboratory |
An-Chi Wei Associate Professor |
Education Ph.D., Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan |
Research Interests Solid state lighting, Solar systems (photovoltaic systems and solar thermal systems), Optical component and system design, Optical inspection systems |
Office E2-316 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34378 |
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Lab Green Optics Lab |
Chuen-Fa Ni Professor |
Education Ph.D., Michigan State University. USA |
Research Interests Groundwater Modeling, Stochastic Hydrogeology, Groundwater Inverse Problems, Applied Geostatistics, Development of Software Environment for Engineering Education |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65874 |
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Lab Laboratory of groundwater modeling and analysis. |
Shih-Huang Chen Professor |
Education Ph.D.,Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University,Taiwan |
Research Interests Pavement Engineering, Nondestructive testing, Engineering material, Life Cycle Analysis, Pavement maintenance management, Application of Artificial Intelligent in Civil Engineering |
Tel. 03-422-7151 # 34085 |
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Shenq-Yang Shy Professor |
Education Ph.D., University of Washington, USA |
Research Interests Specializing in turbulent flow, combustion, chemical reaction flow, fuel cell, electrochemical reaction |
Office E2-413 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34327 |
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Moo-Been Chang Professor |
Education Ph.D., University of Illinois-at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A. |
Research Interests Investigation on the Dioxin Formation and Removal Efficiencies in Municipal Waste Incinerators (MWIs) and Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs). Destruction of Greenhouse Gases and VOCs via Non-thermal Plasma Technology. Evaluation of Acid Precipitation and Its Control in Northern Taiwan. |
Office Air Pollution Control Laboratory |
Tel. 03-422-7151 # 34663 |
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Chia-Hui Chang Professor |
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan University |
Research Interests Internet, Information Extraction, Data Mining |
Office E6-B302 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #35302 |
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Jia-Jyun Dong Professor |
Education Ph.D., National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan |
Research Interests Geotechnical Engineering, Rock Mechanics, Engineering Geology, Landslides and Barrier Lakes |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65855 |
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Lab Soil and Rock Mechanics Research Group |
Chung-Han Chan Associate Professor |
Education Ph.D., Department of Earth Sciences & Institute of Geophysics, National Central University, Taiwan |
Research Interests Engineering seismology, seismology, and seismic hazard assessment |
Office IL402 |
Tel. 03-4262242 |
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Chia-Hua Chan Associate Professor |
Education Ph.D., National Central University |
Research Interests Material design and synthesis, QD, LEDs and Solar cell |
Office E2-314 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 # E2-314 |
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Chung-jen Tseng Professor |
Education Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Research Interests Hydrogen energy, Fuel cells, Energy storage, Hydrogen production by electrolysis and photoelectrochemical processes, Hybrid system design & analysis, Solar energy, Thermal-fluid analysis, Thermal physical properties of materials, Laser-material interaction Simulation of transport phenomena in electrochemical processes, innovative PEM fuel cell and stack design, SOFC system analysis. |
Office E2-407 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 # 34348 |
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Yi-Chia Lu Assistant Professor |
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Research Interests Carbonate Geochemistry, Resource and Environmental Surveys, Geothermal Resource Assessment, Water geochemistry |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65856 |
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Lab Egeothermal Energy Research Group |
Hwa Chien Professor |
Education Ph.D., National Cheng Kung University |
Research Interests HF Radar and Microwave Radar Remote Sensing, Ocean Surface Waves, Air-Sea Interactions, Sediment Transport in Coastal Ocean |
Office S-348 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65690 |
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Lab Marine Physical Observation Research Group (MPORG) |
Chien-Yuh Yang Professor |
Education Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Research Interests Heat Exchanger Design, Heat Transfer Enhancement, Micro Scale Heat Transfer, Electronic Devices Thermal Management, Air-Condition and Refrigeration, Solar Energy |
Office E4-466 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34347 |
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Ching-Yuan Su Professor |
Education Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University |
Research Interests Nanomaterials ( Graphene and 2D materials), Graphene-based applications in nano-electronics, energy conservation, and energy storage, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Plasma-assistant CVD, Flexible electronics, Optical electronics, Advanced energy materials for battery, supercapacitors, novel catalyst, and anti-corrosion |
Office B126 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34911 |
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Lab Nano Device & Energy Material Lab |
Kao-Shen Chung Associate Professor |
Education Ph.D., McGill University, Canada |
Research Interests Radar meteorology, Short-term forecast errors, Mesoscale / Convective scale data assimilation |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65524 |
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Lab Radar Meteorology Laboratory |
Po-Jung Huang Assistant Professor |
Education Ph.D., Texas A&M University, USA |
Research Interests Adsorption Dye removal microfluidics Nitrite pneumatic actuation surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Polymer materials |
Office E238 |
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34205 |
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Master/Ph.D. Programs, Sustainability in Green Energy
Shu-Kun Hsu Professor
Education Ph.D., Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France
Research Interests Geophysics, Oceanography
Office S206
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65620
Lab Marine Geophysical Research Group
Chieh-Heng Wang Associate Researcher
Education Ph.D., National Central University, Taiwan
Research Interests Marine meteorology, oceanography area
Tel. 03-422-7151 #57802
Sheng-Hsiang Wang Professor
Education Ph.D., Atmospheric Physics, National Central University, Taiwan
Research Interests Atmospheric Observation, Atmospheric Rasiation, Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interaction, Air Pollution
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65527
Lab Cloud and Aerosol Laboratory
Kung-Yuh Chiang Professor
Education Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Research Interests Waste derived fuel and bio-energy technology, Waste thermal and energy conversion technology, Waste resourcification technology, Green material technology, Hazardous waste management
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34656
Lab Green Technology and Resource Recovery Laboratory
Jia-Yuh Yu Professor
Education Ph.D., UCLA, USA
Research Interests Tropical Climate Dynamics, Air-Sea Interactions
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65526
Lab Climate Dynamics and Air-Sea Interactions Laboratory
Jung-Shyr Wu Professor
Education Ph.D., Calgary University, Canada
Research Interests Computer Communication, Wide-band Integrated Network, Queueing Theory
Office E1-412
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34473
Lab High Speed Lab
Jiunn-Chi Wu Associate Professor
Education Ph.D., School of Aerospace, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Research Interests Microscale Thermal and Flow Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Electronic Cooling, Concentrated Solar Energy, Energy Technology Assessment
Office E4-263
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34335
Ming-Hsu Li Professor
Education Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, USA
Research Interests Land Hydrological Processes, Hydrogeochemical Models, Hydro-hazard Simulations, Climate Change Hydrology
Office S-350
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65691
Lab Surface Hydrology Lab
Faa-Jeng Lin Professor
Education Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University
Research Interests Motor control, non-linear control, intelligent control, power electronics, smart grid
Office E1-407
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34532
Jing-Chie Lin Professor
Education Ph.D., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
Research Interests Fuel Cell Technology, Micronano Processes Technology, Material's Corrosion and anti-corrosion, SOFC electrode materials, Electrochemical Engineering, Materials Processes, Anti-corrosion Engineering, Thin film processes, Energy Materials
Office E6-B134
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34909
Lab 奈微米材料Lab
Tien-shun Lin Professor
Education Ph.D., University of Oxford, England
Research Interests Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Geodynamics, Petroleum Geology, Underground Geology
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65618
Lab Basin Research Group
Chin-Te Lin Assistant Professor
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Research Interests IoT-based manufacturing, Digital Signal Process, Software Engineering, Numerical Optimization, Patent Engineering, Finite Element Analysis, Computer-aided Design
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34379
Lab IoT-based manufacturing laboratory
Wei-Hsuan Hung Professor
Education Ph.D., University of Southern California(USC), USA
Research Interests Development and Material Synthesis of Energy Technology, Advanced Low-Dimensional Photocatalytic Materials
Office E6-B138
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34908
Lab Advanced Energy Technology and Storage Materials Lab
Chih-Lin Hu Professor
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Research Interests Mobile computing, digital home, Internet technology
Tel. 03-422-7151 #35575
Lab Network Computing Laboratory
An-Chi Wei Associate Professor
Education Ph.D., Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Research Interests Solid state lighting, Solar systems (photovoltaic systems and solar thermal systems), Optical component and system design, Optical inspection systems
Office E2-316
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34378
Lab Green Optics Lab
Chuen-Fa Ni Professor
Education Ph.D., Michigan State University. USA
Research Interests Groundwater Modeling, Stochastic Hydrogeology, Groundwater Inverse Problems, Applied Geostatistics, Development of Software Environment for Engineering Education
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65874
Lab Laboratory of groundwater modeling and analysis.
Chia-Hui Chang Professor
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan University
Research Interests Internet, Information Extraction, Data Mining
Office E6-B302
Tel. 03-422-7151 #35302
Cheng-I Chen Professor
Education Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Research Interests Energy Information and Communication Technology, Instrumentation and Measurement, Digital Signal Processing, Power System, Power Electronics, Intelligent Sensing, Control and Related Applications
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34526
Lab Power Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory (PMaIL)
Jia-Jyun Dong Professor
Education Ph.D., National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Research Interests Geotechnical Engineering, Rock Mechanics, Engineering Geology, Landslides and Barrier Lakes
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65855
Lab Soil and Rock Mechanics Research Group
Chung-Han Chan Associate Professor
Education Ph.D., Department of Earth Sciences & Institute of Geophysics, National Central University, Taiwan
Research Interests Engineering seismology, seismology, and seismic hazard assessment
Office IL402
Tel. 03-4262242
Yi-Hung Liao Associate Professor
Education Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University
Research Interests Power Electronics, DSP/MCU/FPGA Digital Control, Energy conversion Circuit Design, Switching Power supply, Renewable energy applications
Office E6-B521
Tel. 03-422-7151 #35153
Lab Green Energy Conversion Lab
Yi-Chia Lu Assistant Professor
Education Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Research Interests Carbonate Geochemistry, Resource and Environmental Surveys, Geothermal Resource Assessment, Water geochemistry
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65856
Lab Egeothermal Energy Research Group
Hwa Chien Professor
Education Ph.D., National Cheng Kung University
Research Interests HF Radar and Microwave Radar Remote Sensing, Ocean Surface Waves, Air-Sea Interactions, Sediment Transport in Coastal Ocean
Office S-348
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65690
Lab Marine Physical Observation Research Group (MPORG)
Kao-Shen Chung Associate Professor
Education Ph.D., McGill University, Canada
Research Interests Radar meteorology, Short-term forecast errors, Mesoscale / Convective scale data assimilation
Tel. 03-422-7151 #65524
Lab Radar Meteorology Laboratory
Ching-Yuan Su Professor
Education Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University
Research Interests Nanomaterials ( Graphene and 2D materials), Graphene-based applications in nano-electronics, energy conservation, and energy storage, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Plasma-assistant CVD, Flexible electronics, Optical electronics, Advanced energy materials for battery, supercapacitors, novel catalyst, and anti-corrosion
Office B126
Tel. 03-422-7151 #34911
Lab Nano Device & Energy Material Lab
Last update date:2025/01/14